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Short Business Description

Supplier of cell-based assay kits with prequalified assay-ready instaCELLs.

General information

Company profile

acCELLerate is an expert in cell banking and functional cryopreservation of cells. The instant use of cells from a frozen stock became a widely accepted approach in drug discovery screening, animal free safety testing, and potency testing of biologics. Compared to the use of cells from continuous culture, Assay Ready Cells significantly increases assay precision, robustness, and flexibility of any cell-based project. Based on 20 years of experience acCELLerate has developed freezing protocols and established well-controlled processes to prepare Assay Ready Cell Banks of high quality and functional performance.

Products & Services

acCELLerate provides the custom production of cryopreserved assay-ready cell banks for drug discovery and biologics potency testing.
Besides the the custom cell banking acCELLerate manufactures and supplies validated cell-based assay kits for in vitro safety testing of chemicals and medical devices. The instaCELL® assay kits contain all components which are required to perform the assay including prequalified aliquots of frozen Assay Ready Cells.
instaCELL KeratinoSens® assay kit (skin sensitization), instaCELL cytotoxicity assay kit, instaCELL micronucleus assay kit, instaCELL pyrogen detection assay (MAT), instaCELL TNFalpha bioactivity assay

References and export activities

acCELLerate is directly serving the European and USA from its manufacturing site in Hamburg, Germany and the warehouse in New Jersey, USA. South America and Asia are mainly addressed by distributors.

Target group

With its custom cell banking services acCELLerate targets pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies as well as CROs and CMOs.
The instaCELL assay kits are mainly supplied to testing laboratories for invitro safety assessment (chemicals & medical devices) and bioactivity testing.

Competitive advantages

The use of prequalified Assay Ready Cells increase the robustness and precision of any cell based assay. In-house cell cultivation can become completely obsolete with the use of Assay Ready Cells and instaCELL assay kits.

Ideal Business Partners

We would like to partner with local biopharmaceutical companies, CROs and CMO’s who want to implement Assay Ready Cells for their established cell-based assays. We are also looking for distributors to sell our instaCELL assay kit to local testing laboratories.

Company information

Company name

acCELLerate GmbH


Osterfeldstraße 12-14

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Internet / Website

Contact person




Oliver Wehmeier


Managing Director


English, Deutsch



drug discovery, bioassays, potency testing, safety testing, alternative methods, medical devices, toxicity, NAMs