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Short Business Description

In AI Shepherds we guide automotive organisations in their AI transition towards differentiation through responsible AI development.

General information

Company profile

AI Shepherd was founded in April 2021. The company headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. There is a development hub in Madrid, Spain.

Our mission in AI Shepherds is to guide automotive organisations in their AI transition towards differentiation through responsible AI development.

There are four important points to highlight about us:
1. We are AI engineers and mechanical engineers. That’s our competence: AI development within industry.
2. ⁠We focus 100% on automotive and mobility.
3. ⁠ We are also scientists. We bridge science and business.
4. ⁠ AI ethics and AI for good is present in everything we do.

We are two founders:
– Albert Pujol (CEO & CSO): Mechanical engineer with an MBA and a master in data science. 13 years experience in companies such as BMW.
– Arturo Peralta: (CTO): Computer scientist with an MBA and a total of three PhDs all related to AI.

Products & Services

We offer two types of services:
Strategic services:
1. Formation (8h hours): Up to 10 assistants. Tailored to the automotive industry. First use cases discovered by the assistants.
2. Workshop to identify use cases (8h): Use case ideation, evaluation and prioritisation.
3. Use case assessment: Definition of business goals and data mining goals. Data quality check.

Development services:
1. PoC (4 weeks full time): Data preparation, model development, model evaluation. Output: Use case feasibility check.
2. AI development (biweekly sprints): Final development of the AI solution using agile methodologies.

References and export activities

All activities took place in Germamy and Spain so far.
For testimonials, visit our homepage. Our most relevant one is from Valeo:

“It was impressive to see what AI achieved within one month of development. The unconventional way to process the data and the neural networks were eye-opening. There was finally optimism to meet the expectations and ensure customer satisfaction.”

Target group

Two clear targets:
– Tier 1 German and American automotive organisation: manufacturer and developers of automotive parts.
– Mobility companies: This could include mainly everything related to e-mobility and mobility as a service.

Comments: We would ideally work with privat organisations. Most of our clients are part of the 1st target group at the moment.
Out of scope: Autonomous mobility.

Competitive advantages

We are mechanical engineers (and AI experts) doing artificial intelligence. This means we know the domain very well.
The capability to bridge science and business is very important. Many accesses to scholars.

Ideal Business Partners

First and foremost, potential clients. Specially automotive or mobility organisations.
Second, in case we open a hub in the US, we would need some partners to help us in the process.
Third, we would need a partner to carry out the daily business in the US for us. In the use we would have project managers that would be the link between the US clients and our Spanish developers. Sales people would also be good.

Company information

Company name

AI Shepherds GmbH


Herzogstr. 115

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Internet / Website

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English, Deutsch, Espagnol


Project List

GAB USA 2024 Smart City

Projects WebSite

GAB USA 2024 Smart City