Program German Companies Registration Form German Site
07. – 11. November / 2022
The event is free of charge but subject to registration
A project of

On behalf of

Digital German Business Delegation Trip to Vietnam
Meet German companies from cosmetic sector

As part of a bilateral business trip to Vietnam financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), a delegation of eight German cosmetics and cleaning products companies will travel to Hanoi and Ho-Chi-Minh City in Novembrer 2022. The aim is to establish new collaborations and partnerships with interested Vietnamese counterparts, offering products and services in cosmetic and cleaning sectors.
Despide the Covid-19 crisis, Germany stands out as a high-performing and internationally competitive beauty and home care economy, characterised by a leading position in natural cosmetics and high-quality cleaning products.
This industry is increasingly looking for new business partners in Vietnam to build strong strategic partnerships that excel in the face of international competition.
In order to open a business dialogue between the German delegation and the Vietnamese cosmetic industry, the BMWK initiated this bilateral business trip.
The aim of this project is to promote new business partnerships to strenght German-Vietnamese trade, as well as to provide for an exchange of information and showcase the innovative solutions of the German cosmetics industry.
The business delegation trip’s program includes a one-day presentation and networking conference with expert lectures showcasing expertise, innovations and technologies from Germany.
Vietnamese companies and industry representatives, as well as government officials, are cordially invited to attend the presentation and networking conference on Tuesday November 8th 2022 in Hanoi to gain insights into the German industry, get to know the German delegation and assess potential areas of cooperation.
Register here for free for the event.
We also invite you to participate in individual B2B meetings with German companies in Hanoi and Ho-Chi-Minh City from Tuesday 8th to Friday 11th November 2022. This is a great chance to explore new business opportunities and discover potential synergies and partnerships with German participants. Interpreters are at your disposal at no extra cost to facilitate the business exchange.
Click here to schedule your individual B2B meeting.
The project is carried out by SBS systems for business solutions GmbH in cooperation with the Vietnamese – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The event is completely free of charge as it is funded by the German Ministry.

Day 1 – Tuesday – 08.11.2022
9 A.M.
Presentation Conference
Welcome remarks and presentation of the project
Company presentations (10-15 mins each) by:
- alphachem
- Düllberg Konzentra GmbH & Co. KG
- Health & Beauty International GmbH
- Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH
- Legart Forschungsatelier GmbH
Practical examples: Cosmetics and cleaning products in Germany and Vietnam
from 2 P.M.
Individual business meetings (B2B)
One-on-one business talks (b2b) with German companies.
Day 2 – Wednesday – 09.11.2022
all day long
Individual business meetings (B2B)
One-on-one business talks (b2b) with German companies.
Day 3 – Thursday – 10.11.2022
from 11 P.M.
Ho-Chi-Minh City
Individual business meetings (B2B)
One-on-one business talks (b2b) with German companies.
Day 4 – Friday – 11.11.2022
9 A.M.
Ho-Chi-Minh City
Individual business meetings (B2B)
One-on-one business talks (b2b) with German companies.
German companies
Health & Beauty International GmbH
Reseller of high quality performance-oriented and science-based products for health and beauty.
Düllberg Konzentra GmbH & Co. KG
Producer and refiner of essential oils and perfume compositions for cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food and chemical-technical industries.
Henry Lamotte Oils GmbH
Supplier and producerof high-quality oils, vegetable butter, waxes, seed flours and oleoresins from nature’s plenty.
Legart Forschungsatelier GmbH
Mixture of cosmetic experimental laboratory, factory, incubator, manufactory and creative think tank
SBS systems for business is an experienced consulting company specialized in the internationalization of companies. All offices of SBS are staffed with multilingual and professional employees experienced in dealing with intercultural work environments
Since 1999, SBS has been successfully developing, planning, and implementing individual internationalization strategies for German SMEs and advising them on their global export activities.
SBS is also specialized in the Italian market as well as in the German-speaking market and supports small and medium-sized German as well as Italian companies in the distribution of their products and services in these markets.
Since 2006, SBS has also been implementing export promotion projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and since 2015 for the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and has already organized nearly 200 projects worldwide.

In Vietnam
The Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam (GIC/AHK Vietnam) is a representative of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and we are proudly a part of the global network German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) in 140 locations in 92 countries. The AHKs help German companies to transform national into international success. We build bridges, facilitate access, provide contacts, and solve problems. We are the #PartnerWorldwide – for German companies, willing to expand their business activities abroad or which have already established their international presence decades ago.
In Vietnam, we are a private, neutral and non-political organization with the public mandate to promote bilateral trade and investment between Germany and Vietnam since 1994. We offer a wealth of services with the trademark DEinternational including market information, business development, business incubator services, dual vocational training system according to German DIHK standard, ProRecognition service, Ecosystem for start-ups, trade fair participation, marketing and publications as well as event and delegation management.
Our core expertise is our qualified, motivated, and experienced team, consisting of 30 Vietnamese and German staff in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. With their long-term excellent contact and personal connections, German and international firms could benefit and save their time in market researching, market entry and trouble shooting.
CONTACT & Registration

Mai Pham
Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam (GIC/AHK Vietnam)
Telefon: (+84) 24 3825 1420
Here you can download the official delegation broschure with the short company profiles of the participating German companies

Are you a Vietnamese distribution/sales partner (distributor, wholesaler, sales representative, etc.) or a Vietnamese start-up?
Register free of charge in our community and become part of a digital networking platform, which enables you as a registered Vietnamese company to find business partners and opportunities in Germany or to be found by them, even beyond this export promotion project.
This free web marketing tool allows you to showcase your company for free, allowing you to establish valuable contacts and to increase your business with Germany as well as to increase the visibility of your company, including in web search engines, significantly.
Join the Community for free and connect your company with German companies beyond this project!