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Short Business Description

DfACE Strategy Systems consults companies in engineering design for circular economy and its influence on other up-/ and downstream fields

General information

Company profile

DfACE stands for Engineering Design for Advanced Circular Economy. Whereas not only engineering factors are considered but also upstream processes like material sourcing and downstream processes like dismantling and refining. Lest processing is the last step for crucial resources, the engineering design plays a key role for the cost and feasibility of the overall recycling process. Joint technology will determine if there is a possibility to dismantle a product by hand or if only automated processes will be economical – depending on the material mix. DfACE supports companies who are willing to transform towards a circular economy with the decision-making process while considering other stakeholders in the value chain.

Products & Services

The product portfolio from DfACE is structured in focus modules. All modules are tailored to the needs of the customer.
Module 1: Education for R&D employees. An overview of key factors within a circular economy is given; furthermore, their interdependencies are discussed to determine how design decisions will influence the overall circularity of the product.
Module 2: Analyzation of a given product and its suitability for a circular economy. The product will either be analyzed as a whole or only crucial parts of it. The evaluation will lead to engineering design suggestions for the circularity enhancement.
Module 3: Internal changes to adapt the company for the production of the new product. If needed internal changes are proposed to increase the production efficiency for the redesigned product.
Modul 4: Cooperation with external stakeholders. The newly designed product will have an impact on the according market. This has to be communicated with e.g., the consumer or recycling co

References and export activities

DfACE is entrusted with the project management lead for an ai driven robot prototype integration into a recycling plant with the project GANResilRob ( ). The insights will be used to adapt the engineering design process for the newly emerging field of ai and robot aided dismantling processes for recycling and other circular approaches for product strategies.
For academic references:

Target group

The target groups are companies who are interested in transforming their businesses into a more circular driven economy. This is valid for production companies or recycling and robot equipment manufacturers who are interested in implementing their equipment in tailored recycling processes.

Competitive advantages

DfACE is able to consult companies in depth within their engineering design process with consideration of crucial interfaced competencies like material selection, choice of joint technology depending on specific circular approaches or the effects on recycling processes.
Most recent insights from ai driven and robot supported dismantling processes not only aid the designer, additionally process equipment companies can yield th

Ideal Business Partners

Progressive robot equipment manufacturers who are interested in circular economy and its further implementation. As well as manufacturers who are willing to adapt their products for the circular economy.

Company information

Company name

DfACE Strategy Systems


Gerhard-Rauschenbacuh-Straße 14

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Internet / Website

Contact person




Phillip Wallat



Personal E-Mail

Phone / Mobile

+49 178 83 23 705


English, Deutsch


Project List

GAB USA 2025 Industrie 4.0

Projects WebSite

GAB USA 2025 Industrie 4.0