Company profile | AVILUS GmbH developed a 750 kg UAV in just one year and holds operational approval from the German Federal Aviation Authority. The companies medevac drone Grille is flying BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) missions and is tested together with the German armed forces. AVILUS engineers specialize in diverse fields, including system design, flight physics, propulsion, avionics, and flight control, managing the entire process from design to system testing. The young company drives innovation in UAV technology with a focus on advanced aviation solutions.
Products & Services | AVILUS offers tactical UAVs between 500kg and 1000kg. The most known example is the wirlds first military rescue drone Grille desigend according to the load and fly concept. The aircraft carries a 135kg soldier, has a range of 50 km and flies its rescue missions fully automatically. The system is currently tested in military exercises together with the German armed forces. Besides the UAV products, AVILUS also is capable to offer flight services with its aircraft according to EASA regulations.