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Short Business Description

We develop AI-supported software for analyzing MRI images to help radiologists to detect suspicious lesions, e.g. prostate cancer

General information

Company profile

FUSE-AI develops AI-solutions and tools to raise diagnostic image recognition to a new level: tailored to boost efficiency, improve user experience and facilitate deeper predictive insights.
Specialized in computer vision methods, we develop AI software to support radiologists in the detection of suspicious regions on MRI and CT images faster and more safely for various indications like prostate-cancer.
FUSE-AI is listed as a medical device manufacturer and distributer in Europe by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).
We are located in Hamburg, Germany and develop software according to ISO 13485.
We were involved in the development of a European DIN Standard for the development of Deep Learning methods.

Products & Services

„“ is the smart power-up for PACS and diagnostic DICO viewers. “” offers automatic voxel-wise segmentations of the prostate, their zones as well as segmentation of suspicious lesions. This leads to a reduction of the radiologists workflow, to more accurate prostate volumetry and to an increased time efficiency.
„“ is certified according to (EU) MDR 2017/745 IIa since Dec 2023.

Research and Development:
FUSE-AI is involved in research projects with well-known university hospitals and institutes in Germany (Hamburg, Jena, and Berlin) and Switzerland (Aarau, Zurich, Bellinzona e Valli).

References and export activities

The deployment of “” has started recently in 6 hospitals in Germany in cooperation with one of leading radiological platforms in Germany.
Our sales strategy intends to sell to 44 countries worldwide this year with MDSAP and FDA certification.

Target group

We are looking for PACS vendors and clinics which like to redefine (prostate) MRI analysis with us.

Competitive advantages

Using “” means to enhance your own business:
– provide new AI-based functions to the customer base and address new customers
– benefit from the fast and seamless integration of the containerized analysis module into your trusted diagnostic software
– achieve low risk due to the medical device responsibility of certified software

Ideal Business Partners

PACS vendors, decision makers in clinics

Company information

Company name



Großer Burstah 46-48

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Contact person




Matthias Steffen


CEO, Founder

Personal E-Mail

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English, Deutsch


Project List

GAB Japan 2024 Gesundheitswirtschaft

Projects WebSite

GAB Japan 2024 Gesundheitswirtschaft (company profile PDF)



Artificial Intelligence, MRI, Cancer,